About Pareus

Pareus Service Srl is part of the German Habona Group which has been active in real estate investment for years and stands for top service. With this extraordinary rental concept, the group of companies is extending its expertise around holiday homes in the high-end segment.
Quality, trust and sustainability are our guideposts in everything we do. Whether it is your booking which we dutifully deal with or the selection of our partners who make your active holiday experiences unique: we live our values. Every day. And every day anew.
Help us with your feedback to become increasingly better.
Our Philosophy:
- We at Pareus look after your needs..
- For us, your time is our top priority.
- We ensure you and your nearest and dearest unforgettable moments - memories which stay.
- We are always there for you.
- Pareus – Makes you smile.
Pareus Real Estate
How about a profitable investment with a stable return which you can also use at the same time? Pareus stands for exactly that.
The 58 suites and villas of the Pareus Beach Resort offer holidaymakers not just a modern and high-quality home for the best weeks of the year, namely your holiday! This is because Pareus suites and villas can also be bought as attractive holiday properties at the same time.
Make your dream of your own home by the sea come true in a worry-free and simple manner! How? It’s really easy: courtesy of our Pareus full-service concept, we take care of everything for you. You buy your home by the sea, receive guaranteed attractive rental income from leasing out the property which we will also take care of for you, including the management and maintenance of the property. Thanks to our concept a holiday investment for you is stress free just like taking a holiday itself.
Pareus is part of the German Habona Group and thereby benefits from the long-term expertise of specialists experienced in real estate investment. As a key player in holiday properties Pareus links the knowhow of Habona through smart leasing and marketing strategies with an innovative investment concept. The values of reliability, safety and transparency stand in this regard above everything else.

Habona Group

Focussing on online-resistant and stable retail real estate has not just shown itself to be far-sighted in the Pandemic. Habona recognised early on how social change and changing consumer behaviour ensure a long-term shift in per-capita expenditure in favour of everyday products and services.
The founding idea of 2009 has lost nothing of its topicality: cover basic needs with real estate, independent of crises. Habona Invest GmbH is a fund initiator and asset manager specialised in retail real estate. In the now over ten-year history of the company Habona has successfully established nine real estate funds and is one of the most successful issuing companies in this segment with real estate transactions worth around EUR 1 billion and around 400 real estate transactions.
Habona targets private investors with an open-end mutual fund and regular new issues of a closed-end mutual fund. Recently the offering was supplemented by an open-end institutional fund whereby the company opened itself up to a new institutional circle of investors. Investors have profited in this way for years from the attractive and stable cashflows of the fully-let Habona portfolio which has grown to way over 200 properties.